The FBICCAAA has earned a 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency from the world's largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, GuideStar by Candid! This is the highest possible nonprofit rating and indicates the FBICCAAA exceeds industry standards. This exceptional designation sets us apart and demonstrates our trustworthiness to the public. A platinum seal denotes complete transparency about finances, Board of Directors, officers, demographics, and mission. To earn this seal, the FBICCAAA went above and beyond to provide up-to-date information that explains all aspects of our organization. As always, your generous donations profoundly impact the FBICCAAA, allowing us to support the mission of the FBI by offering fantastic programs, holding educational events, and supporting the FBI Citizens Academy classes in both Cincinnati and Columbus. Please note: Donations are non-refundable. |
Set up Kroger Community Rewards. It won't cost you a thing and will help support the next Citizens Academy and the FBI Cincinnati Citizens Academy Alumni Association.
Kroger Community RewardsEarn money for the FBICCAAA on your next trip and every shopping trip you make to Kroger. Simply follow these easy steps to earn money without costing you a single dime! How to sign up: